5 reasons to start bible journaling

Why Should I Bible Journal? | 5 Reasons to Start Bible Journaling.

That is a big question! There are so many reasons to bible journal. I am going to try and keep it short and to the point and share 5 reasons I think you should start bible journaling.

1. Connect with God – Once I started bible journaling, I felt much more connected with the scriptures. Because I was starting to get into the Word daily, I began to learn so much more about who God is and how He loves me. Bible journaling has given me a much deeper relationship with the One who created me.

Keeping up with the Jonses

2. Grow closer to God – Because I now spend more time reading the Word my relationship with God is a lot stronger. I pray and talk to Him more often throughout my day. I am more attuned to the things he whispers into my heart. I am finding that I am more aware of where I need to change and more willing to make those changes.

We are all swallowed by grace

3.Community – Wow! The bible journaling community is exploding! A search for the hashtag #biblejournaling on the popular social media platforms returns so many results. It is so fun to see everyone’s artwork and what God is teaching them. Everyone is at a different place in life and in their walk with God and it is so cool to see how God is working in others.

Fearfully and wonderfully made

4. Get out of your comfort zone – I have always been a creative/crafty person so bible journaling came pretty naturally to me. However, I am also a perfectionist creative/crafty person. Everything has to be just so. Bible journaling has really challenged me to put that aside and focus more on the purpose of it all, God. Once the page is done, it’s done. You can’t start over. And that’s okay. Because at the end of the day it’s not about whether it came out how it looked in your head, it’s about learning about God.

There is wonderful joy ahead

5. It’s fun! – It’s that simple. When you are able to connect something you enjoy with your bible study time, why not have fun with it?! It makes my study time something that I look forward to doing and I love watching the scriptures come to life as I paint!


Now don’t get me wrong, bible journaling has not made my Walk with God perfect. I still go through dry spells or struggle with feeling far from God at times. But bible journaling has given me a way to connect with God and his Word in a way that makes sense to me. It makes coming back from those times away from Him easier.

Need some where to start? Check out our shop for devotionals and bible journaling supplies.


Peace & Love,