A study of Psalm 119 + A Freebie for You!

Jeanna here! In my last post I talked about trying to bible journal even if I don’t feel like it. That post was centered around Psalm 119:37 which says: “Turn my eyes from worthless things; and give me life in your ways.” I think a lot of the time (at least for me) when I find myself feeling tired to my core it’s partly because I haven’t been feeding my spirit. And it ends up being a vicious cycle because I don’t want to read scripture, but I know I should and it would make me feel better. But some times it’s easier to do something “worthless.”

The more I researched Psalm 119 the harder it was to ignore all the goodness contained in it! It is an incredibly encouraging chapter (and also happens to be the longest chapter in any book of the bible). Verse after verse the Psalmist exclaims how important God’s Word is. And not only the importance of His Word, but he expounds on the very character of God. How He is faithful and true and trustworthy.

The more I read and take in Psalm 119 the more I realize how important the Scriptures are. They teach us, speak truth about who we are, and guide us. Almost every verse in this book speaks about God’s Word in some manner. They tell us of the authority that the Scriptures have and how they impact our lives. Verse 165 says, “Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.”

There are so many notable verses that come from Psalm 119. Verse 105 for example: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Reading through this chapter has filled my heart to overflowing again. I have a newfound joy in my daily reading and I want you to experience that too!

To help you out I created a printable study plan for reading Psalm 119 in just 8 verses a day. Print it out, read the verses for the day, and then talk to God! If you have been in a bible reading slump, ask for motivation. Ask that He would help you take the words of Psalm 119 to heart.

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