Oh Happy Day! Encouragement for Making the Most of Today


Oh Happy Day!

You guys, I have been waiting for today since August. Today was the last day of school. I’m off work for the summer! Praise Jesus, Hallelujah. I live for summer break.

I know some of you may not be off the hook from school yet, or perhaps you don’t have a “summer break” at all. Bear with me for a moment while I relish in the joy that working for a school brings. Also, don’t run away yet, because I have some encouragement for you, no matter where you are at in life.

As I mentioned, I’ve been waiting for summer break since August. In between that time I would strive for the smaller breaks: Labor day, Teacher Inservice, Thanksgiving, Christmas, President’s Day, and so on. While I think it’s good to have things to look forward to in life, things that keep you going, that can get into dangerous territory.

“I’ll be happy when…”

Do you ever find yourself just waiting for the next big thing? Telling yourself, “When this or that happens, I’ll be happy” “When I finally accomplish this next thing, I will have arrived!” Or maybe even “Why haven’t I already have accomplished this or that?” Do you also notice that when you do reach those points in life, you always find something new to be looking toward? It’s a never ending cycle of discontent with our current circumstances.

Like I said, we need goals and things to look forward to. Those are great things! They drive us and allow us to grow and improve. However, when we find ourselves discontented with life, we may need to rethink our focus. Not only are we not being thankful for what we have and where we are, but we miss out on the present. When our focus is future oriented, we aren’t able to fully give ourselves to each moment we experience in the day-to-day. And there is a lot to experience and be thankful for in a single, average day, if we’re looking.

I have to admit I find myself here all too often and it’s a tough place to get out of. This week I’ve been particularly challenged to shift my focus from, “when I’m off work for the summer,” to “today I’m grateful for…” or “I will enjoy today for what it is and where I am at.”

It’s certainly not an easy shift to make. However, I notice when I’m conscientious about savoring the day-to-day moments I’m happier overall. I’m not thinking about what I don’t have yet, or what I haven’t accomplished. I’m focused on the small blessings that come daily, and that makes for a happy day!

Is there something that you’re working toward/looking forward to that is taking away from you being able to enjoy and experience today? Comment below something you are thankful for today! Let’s praise God together!