Beginner Bible Journaling Encouragement

Hi Friends – we are so excited to have our sweet friend Sarah guest posting on the blog today. We collaborated on an awesome new printable set about prayer recently. She wrote an amazing devotional to go along with some ephemera and journaling cards we made. It’s all available in our new shop so be sure it check it out! But today, Sarah’s got some encouragement for all our friends out there who want to start bible journaling so without further ado….

Starting Bible journaling can be really intimidating. What supplies do I use? Will they bleed through? Do I use paint? What about printables? What in the world is “ephemera” and how do I even pronounce that?

Those were some of the questions I had when I started back in 2015. I wanted to create those really pretty pages you see people creating on social media, and secretly wanted a lot of likes and compliments. But then God set me straight.

It’s not about what it looks like, its about spending time studying God’s word and growing in your relationship with Him. So I just started. All I had was some colored pencils and a free pen I got from the bank. And I started. I looked for God and I learned about Him. I reminded myself it wasn’t about likes and followers.

Over the past almost 5 years, my style has grown and evolved. My supplies have increased. But I still have to remember that it is about God and His word. So if you want to start, but don’t know where. Just start. Grab that free pen and look for God. Ask Him to speak to your heart and show you His character. THAT is what Bible journaling is about.

Below are the pages in my Bibles that I have done for Ruth 4. You can see how I started in 2015 and how its changed. But in each entry, I’ve seen and learned more about God. So just dive on in!!