faith through injustice

Faith & Injustice | Trusting In God’s Sovereignty

Last weekend some exceptionally hateful events occurred in our country. I have to admit that I was a little bit late to hearing what had happened. I don’t often watch the news and hadn’t really been on Facebook in a couple days. When I did hear, my heart sank. It’s so sad to me that injustice like this still exists.

faith through injustice

How can such hate exist?

This is such a hard thing for me to wrap my head around. I can’t even imagine having so much hate inside of me. And what’s even more perplexing is how many of these people say that they don’t hate anyone, they are simply following the bible.

I don’t know what bible they are reading or what God they believe in, but they have nothing to do with the God I serve.

The God I put my hope and trust in does not promote the hatred of people who are different than me.

faith through injustice

Where is God when injustice happens?

We feel pain, confusion, experience chaos, but God is there. When our world seems to turn on it’s head, God is there.

He is always in the thick of it with us.

He is there fighting our battles (Exodus 14:14).

Our God is very much alive and He is always in control.

Believing in God doesn’t mean that bad things will never happen to us. Or that the world won’t experience tragedy. These things are bound to happen.

faith through injustice

God will judge

In some situations, no amount of reasoning is going to give us the answer to why injustice happens. There are just some things we can’t explain.

But I find peace in knowing that in the end, God’s justice will prevail (Proverbs 21:31) Everyone will have to answer for their actions, including myself. Those who do evil will get what’s coming to them. Romans 1 tells us that these people will not be in the Kingdom of God.

I also have hope that some of these people will come to know the error of their ways and truly turn their lives over to Christ. Jesus died on the cross so that even these people, if they repent, can inherit the kingdom (1 Peter 3:18).

In the end, God is sovereign. We know His ways are just. People who commit terrible acts of hatred may not see the fruits of their actions here on Earth, but they will have to answer for their choices with where they spend eternity.

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