O Come Let Us Adore Him

It’s officially my favorite time of the year! I love everything about the Christmas season.

I love that the weather gets colder so I can bring out all my cozy sweaters, scarves and hats. The magical glow of all the lights as you drive down the road at night. Hunting for the perfect tree to trim with all my favorite ornaments. The snow that seems to fall every Christmas eve, giving us a white Christmas morning. And the joy that seems to be everywhere.

These are the things I look forward to every year.

adore him

I’m still enjoying these things this year, but I’ve felt a tugging at my heart to remember what the season is about.

It’s fine to enjoy these things that come with the Christmas season, but if it takes the place of the true meaning of the season then something is wrong. The last few years I have been guilty of putting the trappings of Christmas before the true meaning.

O come let us adore Him

This time of year should be a time to remember how our Lord humbled himself and came in the form of a helpless little babe. Without that, there’s no reason to celebrate.

adore him

I mentioned in our instagram post on Wednesday that I’m trying my best to savor the season this year. I want to spend more time thinking about and preparing for the birth of our savior than I spend stressing over the perfect Christmas.

This is a time for us to humble ourselves. To give up our ideas of what Christmas means for what it truly means.
One of the ways I’m doing this is by making sure that I don’t skip my bible time in the morning. With my toddler it has been hard and many mornings I want to skip it. But I know every time I do that I get further away from realizing what the celebration is for.

adore him

I would encourage you to examine your heart and be honest with yourself about whether or not you are forgetting the reason for the season.

Do you have tips on how to savor the Christmas season? Share them in the comments!