faith in the waiting

Faith in the Waiting

faith in the waiting

Waiting is not my strong suit. I am impatient and I want to see things happen quickly. Maybe you can relate?

But how often do we find ourselves in seasons of waiting? I know I’m there a lot. And as much as I moan and groan about being in a place of waiting, these are often the times when I grow the most. You are forced to become content in whatever situation you are wanting to be out of.

faith in the waiting

It can be discouraging to pray so hard for something and feel like your prayers aren’t being answered. But if you look to scripture, God often made people wait. God told Abraham and Sarah they would have children, but that didn’t happen for 25 years! So if you’re in a season of waiting you’re in good company!

God is faithful to fulfill his promises to us, but he may make us wait for it. Seasons of waiting can be hard. But don’t think all that time in between is wasted. Waiting time is never wasted time. It’s time to learn, to reflect, and to grow. I often forget this and find myself wallowing in the sadness that I’m not where I want to be. And the trouble with that is two-fold. Not only am I wallowing for no reason, I’m missing out on all the other good stuff God has for me right now! I’m not living in the present when I focus so much on what I want to happen in the future.

faith in the waiting

I get it though, when we wait long periods of time for God to answer our prayers, it’s easy to think that He has forgotten about us. In Genesis 16:2 Sarah is feeling so discouraged that she still hasn’t had a child that she tells her husband to go to her maid. And things go messy after that.

It’s so easy to want to take things into our own hands and make things happen. But doing this is a failure to see that there is a purpose in the times of expectation. We may never understand what it is, but He does.

faith in the waiting

What ever you find yourself waiting for, have faith sister, this time is not wasted. God will fulfill his promises.