slow down

Wait In Silence: My Prayer to Slow Down

Slow down.

I need to repeat this phrase to myself about a thousand times a day lately.

I’ve been feeling like there just aren’t enough hours in the day and stressing about deadlines. I’m sure a lot of you can relate.

slow down

Running this business is one of the most exciting things I’ve done! I love to create and I love that I get to create things based around my faith. But what I’ve found is that this does not necessarily equal personal spiritual growth. I am reading and researching scripture for our devotionals, but that doesn’t mean that I am meditating on those words and asking for wisdom from them.

I think a lot of us can mistake the fact that we have faith based jobs to mean that we are always doing well spiritually. In the short time Leah and I have been running this business I have already found this to be untrue. If we don’t set aside specific time for our own spiritual growth and renewal and as a result we can easily experience burn out.

slow down

This is where we (I) need to learn to slow down, to wait on the Lord. The lists and deadlines can wait. Take time to slow down and take care of yourself. Meditate on God’s words and commune with Him.

I know it’s hard, I will be the first one to admit that I struggle to slow down and wait in silence. The only silence I’m good at these days is not talking. But if you could attach a speaker to my thoughts, oh boy, there would never be silence. I know I’m missing out when I go, go, go all the time. I miss opportunities to spend sweet time with Jesus.

slow down

Maybe this is you as well. Maybe you struggle to be deliberate with your time. I would challenge you to do the opposite of what seems to make sense and press pause on life for a minute. Even if you just meditate one simple verse, that’s okay. Let that one verse really sink into your being. Wait in silence and allow God to speak to you through it. I’ll be working on this too.

Do you struggle to quiet your mind and give God the time he deserves? What strategies do you use to combat this?

The verse and idea for this post came from day 5 of our Renewed devotional. Want to know more? Find it in our shop today!