busy bible journaler

Tips for the Busy Bible Journaler

Happy Mother’s day weekend to all you mama’s out there! Hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend and maybe even get some bible journaling in!

This week I wanted to share some tips for all you busy bible journalers. Especially you busy mama’s. Having a two year old and another little one coming in a couple weeks, I’ve realized that my schedule is going to get a lot busier and I’m going to have to try harder to find time to bible journal. Whether you have kids or not, I’m sure you can relate on some level to trying to squeeze a bible journaling session in.

So without further ado, here are a couple tips to help you get bible journaling even with the busiest schedule.

1.Keep it simple

You don’t have to bring out all the supplies you own every time you sit down to do a page. Choose a couple things a get going! The simplest supplies to use are alpla stickers, washi tape and diecuts. This is an easy way to add color and excitement without having to wait for paint to dry. This makes it ideal for a quick journaling session.

busy bible journaler

2.Carve out time

It may be hard, but intentionally carving out time in your schedule to bible journal can make it happen. Wake up a half hour earlier, use nap time, a lunch break, take 15 minutes before going to be. Whatever time works for you, make it happen, even if it’s only 5 minutes.

busy bible journaler

3.Remember what it’s about

I think sometimes we can get caught up in trying to create some epic piece of art. But really, that’s not what it’s about. It’s about spending time with God, not creating something elaborate. It may be the simplest page you’ve ever done, but the point is that you spend time communing with God. And at the end of the day, God doesn’t care how showy your page is, he cares that you are creating a relationship with him.

busy bible journaler

I know none of these tips are mind blowing, but I know I sometimes get caught up with trying to create a masterpiece. It’s easy to get overwhelmed trying to match paint colors to die cuts to washi tape patterns, and forget why you’re even bible journaling in the first place.

I hope that these simple tips will help remind you that not every page has to be a Picasso, so even when you feel extra busy you can still squeeze a bible journaling session into a couple minutes. And be sure to check out this post on bible journaling in minutes for more tips. 

What tips do you have for bible journaling on a busy schedule? Share with us in the comments.