anatomy of bible journaling page

The Anatomy of a Bible Journaling Page

Happy weekend! How many of you get a long weekend for Labor Day? Being a mom I don’t really get to enjoy a long weekend off of work, but I sure do love my kiddos.

How many of you are new to bible journaling? Are you still wondering what exactly to do with your pretty new bible with the wide margins?

I’m here to help!

Today I want to share with you the Anatomy of a Bible Journal Page. Now, keep in mind that this is actually the anatomy of My page, you can take or leave or add anything you want! This is just a helpful jumping off point. And all these things are aside from all the fun paint/stickers/washi that I normally add to a page.

The Passage

First up, you can almost always find an underlined or boxed or circled verse or passage. I like to mark the specific verse(s) on the page I’m working on. This is helpful when I return to the page in the future, so I can remember which passage I was focusing on. There are a lot of ways to mark a passage. Simply underline or use a highlighter. You can box or circle around the passage. You can use watercolor or some other colorful media. There are lots of options here. For a long passage, I tend to make a box around it and spruce it up with some embellishments. If it’s just one or two verses I’ll usually underline.

The Main Idea

Next up, I like to show off the main idea. There are lots of options for this as well. I like it to stand out from the rest of the words on the page so I like to use alpha stickers, alpha stamps, or write with watercolors. This is where I will put the phrase or quote that stuck out to me when I was learning about the passage.


Then, there is usually a prayer or some extra explanation. Often times I will write a prayer about the topic right on the page. When I look back on theses prayers I often realize that I need to pray it again. Sometimes I’ve learned a lot about the passage and I just want to add all that info onto the page. I don’t always add these extras, but it’s usually a part of a page I do.

The Date

The final thing I add to each page it the date. I really like to know when I did a page when I go back to look at it. Sometimes I can remember a certain event that happened around that time that was inspiration for the page. It’s also fun to see how the same passage can speak to you in different ways at different times. (Check out our Transformation blog post for more on that.) There are some pages in my very first journaling bible that I didn’t date and it makes me a little sad.

I hope this was helpful if your sitting there staring at your bible wondering what the heck to put on your page. Like I said before, the anatomy of your page doesn’t have to include all the elements that mine do. Heck, mine don’t always include all these things. 

2 thoughts on “The Anatomy of a Bible Journaling Page”

  1. I just found your site, and I love it! Thank you for all that you do to further the Kingdom, and for bring all of us along with you. The freebie library is awesome, as is your shop. I read your article “Out of Abundance” and three ways to Create with it, the tips were great, my question is where is the printable ? It was not in the freebie library or your shop , is it no longer available ?
    Again Thank You both for all that you are doing. May God Bless and Keep you both.

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