faith journaling

Faith Journaling Without A Bible + A FREE Devo!

Happy weekend everyone!

I’m super excited about today’s post! I just love bible journaling so much, and Leah and I want everyone to experience the joys of being in the Word creatively. And I know you’ve heard us say it 100 times, but you don’t have to be super gifted artistically to bible journal!

So with that in mind, I wanted to show you a way you can journal your faith creatively without doing it in a bible. Maybe you’re not quite comfortable putting paint in your bible yet or maybe you’re just looking for a new way to mix art and faith.


All you need for today’s tutorial is a notebook, any kind will do. And whatever art supplies you would like to use. I used acrylic paint, washi tape, and the Under His Wings printable devo and ephemera available in our Freebies Library.

This is a notebook I already had lying around. I’m willing to bet you have one lying around too. I jazzed it up with some mod podge and fun florals you can purchase in our shop. This notebook happens to have a grid pattern on the pages. I actually ended up really liking it, it adds a little texture to the page without having to do anything.

Get Started

The first thing I did was cut out all my ephemera pieces and the two part devo. Having everything already cut and ready to go is super helpful because you can try out different pieces really easily.

I decided to skip the first page of the notebook so that I could have a two page spread to work with. I used my tape runner to attach the devo to one side of the page and then I could use the adjoining page to do my art and write my thoughts and prayers.

One the page next to the devo, I started by adding some acrylic paint. Using the card swipe technique I added several pops of coral paint. Then I played around with which ephemera pieces I wanted to have on this page. I added a little washi tape under the bird and the tab at the top. Just another way to add some more color and pattern.

I added a title with some alpha stamps and then did my journaling. I also added the date using my date stamp. And done! I used the same method to journal part two of the devo. This time I added a little pleated piece of coordinating fabric to the top under the tag.

Easy as pie!

I kept it really simple, but you can do as much or as little as you want! This is just another way to work those creative muscles without having to have a bible to journal in.

This method is perfect for journaling prayers, sermon notes, or writing thoughts from a devo like I did. It is really versatile since you get to put it together yourself! I also really like that this notebook is super portable and can be thrown in my bag to take to church or on a trip. You can still get your creative juices flowing on the go with much less to carry around.

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial on making a faith journal! Go grab our FREE two part devo and make yourself a fun notebook to journal in! If you do, tag us on social media @faithheirlooms!